West End Morecambe Big Local

Big White Shed

Big White Shed is an indie publisher, expert in peer publishing, offering support with writing and editing as well as consulting – a place to seek advice and tools, trade expertise and ideas, in order to complete a creative project – a virtual meeting place for people who want to get a job done and the people who can help achieve that. In the shed, we talk through what you have in mind, and help make it a reality.

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Growing Well

Growing Well image

Growing Well, are an established, independent, organic farm-based, registered mental health charity, located on the
outskirts of Kendal and at Tebay services on the M6. Growing Well provide a safe, supportive, working environment to
their volunteer participants to nurture long term mental health recovery through meaningful physical activity and personal development opportunities.

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Thinking About Some Mental Health Support? (pt 1)

enable logo

Enable is a supportive community group for people living with long term health conditions in the West End, and throughout Morecambe, Lancaster and surrounding areas. They offer support to people struggling with their mental health, physical health or both and have a wide variety of members. Their general activities include regular support group meetings, weekly coffee catch ups, craft sessions, monthly meals out, day trips and much more to help combat isolation, and increase the wellbeing of their community, which their members find invaluable.

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Housing in the West End

aerial photo of the WestEnd

We have (forgive the pun) been going round the houses on this one, with lots of people talking about needs for supporting people, and many groups having an interest, but little in the way of progress being made. With that in mind we now plan to cut through the talk, build on the wealth of links already made, and simplify this project into a local housing worker.

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