West End Morecambe Big Local

Thinking About Some Mental Health Support? (pt 1)

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Among the projects that West End Morecambe Big Local (WEM) has recently commissioned are a growing number of smaller initiatives.

WEM has recently funded two small Mental Health initiatives for West End.

Enable is a supportive community group for people living with long term health conditions in the West End, and throughout Morecambe, Lancaster and surrounding areas. They offer support to people struggling with their mental health, physical health or both and have a wide variety of members. Their general activities include regular support group meetings, weekly coffee catch ups, craft sessions, monthly meals out, day trips and much more to help combat isolation, and increase the wellbeing of their community, which their members find invaluable.
Alongside this work their main focus is running a self-management course ‘Managing Life Changes’. WEM has funded Enable to run more of these courses, which are specifically tailored to help people with mental health conditions as we know that chronic health issues often lead to a significant need for enhanced mental health support. The course takes just half a day a week for 6 weeks, and focuses on learning new tools and techniques to become pro-active in
managing long term health conditions.

It has been described by participants as life changing. Once completed, many people begin to join in their other activities to continue the progress made during the course. It is amazing to see the bond created within the groups on the course and many become life-long friends. Here is just one testimonial from someone who did the course…
“The course couldn’t have come soon enough, I was at rock bottom. It taught me so many things and turned my way of thinking right around – With the knowledge and help from enable, I was able to cope through the darkest times. I’m not sure where I would be if I hadn’t found Enable – it’s a must for anyone struggling with their mental or physical health!”

To find out more get in touch with enable on 07882 280 549 or via email at enablecic@outlook.com


This news story is extracted from the latest WEM Newsletter (Autumn, 2023), which is delivered free to every home in the West End of Morecambe. You can read or download the full newsletter here: